Friday, 22 July 2011

POA scrap wagon plus a large logo 47

Finished POA wagon, with new transfers and bashed up sides added!

Last weekend was spent blissfully ignorant of the outside world, modelling away in the my own little world! I had several tasks I was keen to complete - specifically, I wanted to finish off the POA wagon and detail the BR blue large logo class 47, which had been kicking around my workbench for a couple of months. The POA wagon has been an act of model vandalism. Overall, I cannot work out if I like the result.

I think the streaking of the rust works well

The real POA wagons were a general mess, with the sides of the wagons heavily battered through loading/unloading of scrap. So this wagon had the top of the sides gently melted with a blow torch. The first side very moderately, the second side slightly more severely. Once the wagon had cooled down I filed down the tops, sanded off the original Bachmann transfers and gave it a wash.

Front end of finished class 47

New transfers were added, before weathering of the wagon commenced, generally using vertical streaks of weathered black, rust and a misting of underframe dirt. The photographs show the more seriously hacked up side of the wagon, the other side being much less bent/distorted. Does it work as a realistic model? - I am not sure. I can't work out whether I like it or not!!

The run-off from the roof was copied from a photograph of the real thing

The other project completed was the Bachmann Class 47. This loco merely had the detail kit added which came with the model, putting some PH designs masks over the windscreens and giving the model a light weathering. Weathering of the underframe used a matt black base coat, with various layers of sleeper grime, framedirt and roof dirt applied. The roof had several layers of roof dirt and weathered black added, and then some dirt streaks running down the side of the body, copied from a photograph of the real thing.

In the twilight at Amberleigh

This model I wanted to have a worn look, but not totally grimy, something befitting an express passenger locomotive in the 1980's. I am relatively pleased how this one turned out, but like with all things, it could have been a better. However, I am a relatively new modeller, so I am finding my way around all these issues - slowly but surely - each model, I hope, is an improvement on the last.....

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