A really busy couple of weeks with weddings, stag weekends and a lot of work pressure means my modelling time has been non existant. I recieved my new Heljan class 33/2 in the post, along with four dogfish in dutch livery and a GUV, very exciting. I plan to put a Express Models lighting kit in the class 33/2 if they do a suitable one, after I have finished the 08 and the various other projects I have on the go!! Anyway I have made a little bit of progress on the mermaid. I have strengthened the body with plasticard, after cutting some bits of the sub frame away. I have reglued most of the rollers and fitted one of the three link couplings with a little modification, after shortening it. Hopefully next week will be less hectic and have some more modelling time. As it is, I am off to my sisters wedding for the weekend!!