Monday, 26 March 2018

Parkside 12t Pipe wagon

Finished 12t pipe wagon being shunted around the Charlton micro layout by a Class 31.

The stock for the Charlton layout continues to grow and I recently managed to finish off a 12t Pipe wagon, built from a Parkside kit.  The wagon is finished in bauxite and has had some obligatory replacement planks painted on.  Everything had progressed fairly smoothly with this one, until the transfers stage.  I used the CCT transfers for this wagon, and these transfers are excellent.  However, I would suggest that they are also slightly more delicate that modelmaster ones, which I am more used too.  When I tried to hand brush a sealing coat of varnish on top of the decals I partly disturbed them, which is a little bit annoying.  Anyhow, I can live with it (it is a lesson learnt) and another piece of rolling stock for the layout.  This is another one of those projects that has hung around for years partly finished and it is great to have finally completed it.  On the layout front, I have a week off work coming up and I intend to largely finish off the scenery side of layout.  More updates to follow on this later!

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