Sunday, 4 March 2018

Charlotn Micro Layout - another update

This week has seen some sporadic progress on the Charlton micro layout.  I am taking a creeping barrage approach to the detailing, taking it a little bit at a time.  The ballasting is all but finished - there are one or two bald spots that need touching up, but other than this it is done.  Some light sand has been added to the front of the line, to blend the line into the surrounding scenery.  The front of the layout has seen some plaster added, with a change of gradient right at the front of the layout dropping onto the floodplain.
The gradient to the lower floodplain is just about visible at the front of the layout.

I am starting the detailing at the far end of the layout.  With the buffer stops added at this end, two terraced houses will be at the end of the layout, next to the station car park.  The terraced houses are a Bachmann low relief building, which is to be set onto a piece of plasticard with the gardens detailed.  Last night I knocked up the gardens from odds and sods and have started painting this today. The houses will have an interior light added in due course.  Once this is painted and the lawns have been laid, an alley way will be built next to the houses as well as the car park for the station.
The terraced houses and gardens ready for painting.

The garden on the right has paving slabs and a path that will run down through the lawn.  The mini has been left in the middle of the station car park.

The buffer stop (Ilfracombe) end of the layout.  Showing the position of the terraced houses and a visit from a large logo class 47.

Looking towards the station.

As well as undertaking some sporadic detailing, I have of course been running some trains - the fun part!  I got out some BR large logo locomotives, being a class 47 and 50.  I have also been playing around with running some DMUs and of course an obligatory parcels train with some of the recently finished wagons behind the Western with sound blaring out!
Parcels train arriving into the station.

Class 47 rescuing a failed class 50 at the station.  This is definitely the power of DCC, with the lights adding a further dimension to the model.

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