Sunday, 11 March 2018

GWR tunny wagon at Charlton

This weekend saw the finishing off of a GWR tunny wagon, ready for service in the ever growing engineering department.  This is a Chivers fineline wagon, which I built several years ago, but has languished around requiring painting.  It was painted in my normal way, using an airbrush and railmatch enamels.  The transfers are from the excellent CCT range and it has been fitted with 3 link couplings.  It is great to see another wagon finished.

Finshed GWR tunny wagon on the Charlton layout.

At the station.

Being shunted by a large logo class 47.

Other than this there has been little progress on the layout, with the coming week looking very busy too.  However, with Easter fast approaching I hope to get a bit of time to finish the detailing on the layout.

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