Sunday, 28 January 2018

Ratio LMS 13t open wagon

This week I managed to finish off the painting on a LMS13t open wagon, now in use on BR.  The wagon has been finished with a light weathering, in a faded olive green livery.  As per normal it is painted with an airbrush and transfers are from the Modelmaster range.  I started building this wagon in 2016 and the box has been long lost.  There may have been set a of transfers which came with the wagon, but these are also long lost, so I mixed and matched from various Modelmaster packs.  So another wagon ready for the layout, although it has taken nearly two years!!  The floor in the wagon is not so good, due to the two halves of the kit joining the floor in the centre of the wagon.  This is how the kit is designed and if I had thought about it when I was building it, I would have added a false floor, but alas too late now.  However, it is not so visible at a distance and I will place some spent ballast in here when it is running on the layout to disguise this. 

Finished wagon, with an attempt at a faded olive green livery.

This photo shows the subtle underframe weathering up well.

The join in the floor is just about visible in this shot.

The layout (Charlton) progress is quite slow at the moment, whilst I paint the station building.  This is coming along nicely and hopefully I will post an update of this later this week, when it is ready to place on the layout.  Once it is stuck down, along with the other buildings, I will make a start on ballasting.

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