Sunday, 21 January 2018

A Dogfish caught at Charlton Station

A small project that was finally finished off this week was the repainting of a Heljan dogfish wagon.  The model has the original couplings cut off and was then subjected to a bath of Superstrip to remove the original dutch finish. Three link couplings were duly added before painting in a fairly non descript grey, with rust seeping through, and a fair whack of frame dirt.  As per normal all painting was carried out with my airbrush and transfers are from the Modelmaster range.

Finished Dogfish

I started this project about 1 year ago and it is good to see it finally finished.  It is amazing how time flies!  My airbrush sat dormant over the festive period but I am now making a concerted effort to finish off some projects that have been languishing in the painting boxes.  I have also nearly finished the platforms for the Charlon micro-layout and I need to free up the space to paint these. Anyhow, another wagon added to my ever growing stock of kit built engineering wagons!

Western relegated to engineers workings!

The short consist, with recently finished open wagons

Closer view of the Dogfish

A short video of the Dogfish in the short engineers train, heading back to Exeter, with a Western in charge!

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