Sunday, 14 January 2018

Charlton Micro layout - Station Progress 1

I have spent a few evenings over the last few weeks building the station for Charlton.  It is not finished yet and I have run out of fencing so progress has been halted. So in the mean time I placed the station on the layout to see how it looked space wise and how it would accommodate a short train, etc.  I must say that I am really pleased with its overall dimensions.  It can hold a two coach train and allow the locomotive to run around it, or a shorter working.  Just playing around with the buildings gave a sense of how the layout would look.  Given the boards are only 1ft wide, it is all a tight squeeze and will require a little imagination to blend the backsenes with the rest of the layout.  I particularly like the view from the between the provender store and warehouse, placing the camera on the area of clay which will be some cobbles in due course.  So it is starting to come together nicely.

View of the station from just beside the provender store.

View from between the provender store and warehouse on the cobbles.

Western pulling in a short passenger train with parcels.

Overall view of the layout with a class 37 sitting in the siding off the run around loop.
A class 25 with a 3 coach train.  This number of coaches blocks the run around loop, so it will need another locomotive to haul this train out.

View looking down the station, still under construction!

Anyhow I gave the layout a small running session with my recently completed Western (with DCC sound) as it hauled in a (very!) short passenger service with some parcels wagons.  I am pretty satisfied with how this is shaping up at the moment.  Todays big job is to get the point motors finished off (I started this yesterday evening) and give the back scene another coat of paint.  

One of the great things about this small layout is the feeling of progress and ability to not get bogged down by the project.  The fiddle yard with have a maximum of four storage lanes and it will more likely be three. Therefore, I am going to go with a very small fleet of locomotives and they will all be sound fitted, with all coaches having lighting etc.  I currently have a class 122 sound chip to fit as well as class 22 to detail and the sound chip on the class 25 needs re-blowing. Plenty to keep me occupied!  Oh and I might have just purchased a second hand warship to detail and repaint......

An ebay bargain, a very run down warship to bring back to life!  Luckily it runs fine. Does anybody know where I can find a spare detailing pack for this??.....

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