Sunday, 26 June 2011

Hornby class 50, Bachmann class 03 and some DCC musings

After a hectic week and even busier weekend, very little modelling has been done. However, what a weekend, with a brilliant stag do for one of my best mates. But back in the world of modelling, I did manage to clean out my modelling room and get some projects in order, ready for the workbench. Two of the upcoming projects are detailing and weathering a Bachmann class 03 shunter and a Hornby class 50. To this end I did get over to The Model Shop at Exeter, and had a discussion with the owner regards DCC decoders.

The Hornby Class 50. This upcoming project is going to have both PH Designs packs added, as well as weathering.

After running in the locomotives on dc, I added a six pin chip to the 03 and an 8 pin chip to the 50. Both of the locomotives on the Amberleigh DCC track performed poorly. The Hornby Class 50 in particular, but the performance of the 03 was not what I had expected either. After speaking to young man at The Exeter Model Shop, it was apparent that the poor running of the class 50 is well known, due to the cv settings. He gave me some advice on how to change these.

Another of the upcoming detailing projects, a Bachmann class 03

As I only have a Bachmann EZ system at present I can not program decoders. So after doing a lot of reading on the net, and also discussing with several modelling experts I have decided to purchase an NCE powercab, for the development of my Watergate layout. This will allow me to program decoders to optimise running and I hope to be able to significantly improve the running of these two locos.

One other thing I achieved at the weekend was sorting out of the wood to build the baseboards for Watergate Halt. This has got me really excited about building my next layout. I hope to get the baseboards built and track wired ready for the long winter of modelling. Other than this, there has been no other progress on any of the model projects. However, I have a free weekend coming up, so I hope to make some inroads into the my current workbench projects.

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