Monday, 23 May 2011

Express models Mk1 BCK coach lighting

The BCK with the lights on

A busy week passed and although I had to cover my girlfriends shifts in the local pub over the weekend, I still managed to get a fair bit of modelling done. I mainly concentrated on re-detailing my class 108 DMU and also fitting the first of several coaches with an express models lighting kit. This project did not go entirely too plan!

The effect of running some black paint into the door seams is clearly visible from this picture

The coach is a mk1 BCK which is one of the coaches that will eventually run on my forthcoming Watergate Halt layout. Having gone fully digital, the latest DMU releases highlight the lack of coach lighting on modern 00 gauge coaches. So I intend to light at least four of my current coaches to form a rake that will operate an early morning/later evening service, as was often the case on the tarka line.

The interior lights highlight the internal passengers and detail

I detailed the coach body in my normal manner, based on Geore Dent's methods, mainly involving running weathered black paint into the door seams and removing any excess paint with a cotton wool bud dipped in white spirit. An airbrush was used to separately weather the lower sides, underframe and roof. The bogies were also removed and painted and weathered separately.

The light bleed between the roof and sides is also evident in this picture - how frustrating

In order to detail the coach the properly I separated the sides and roof and floor. I painted interior seats a light blue colour and added the lights as per the instructions (with a straight feed to the rails not using a decoder). I reassembled the coach excitedly, soldered the contacts on the bogies and put it on the track. The lighting effect looks excellent, but, and it is a large but, there is a clear gap between the roof and the body sides. The light clearly seeps through the gap at several distinct points.

A slightly dark photograph, with the light bleeding clearly evident between the roof and body sides.

It was all a tight squeeze to get everything back together and I wonder if this has just pushed the roof a little too far. I also think I am going to have to seal this gap between the roof and sides with araldite to similar. However, I am weary of squeezing some glue onto the body sides, which I was really pleased with the finish on. I am now going to have to take it all apart, probably sand a bit more off the top of the compartments, glue the sides and resolder it all!!! So nearly finished but not quite. However, the lighting kit is excellent and the effect worthwhile, so I hope with another evenings effort I can get this one finished this week. I will post again later in the week to show my efforts....


  1. Hi Chopper

    The lighting of Mk1s is something Ive been working for a while now. To rid the bleed between roof and the tops of the bodysides I run black PVC tape across the joint the full length of the coach. using tweezers I position the tape just onto the tops of the bodysides (so that the tape doesnt fall into view through the windows) and the majority of it sticks to the roof. press firmly into position and it stops bleed at these points. the rest of the bodysides need to be painted due to the bodysides being very transluscent(a few coats would be needed) but better still i have covered mine with brown PVC tape aorund the window and along the flanks but not below the soldbar level otherwise the coach is difficult to reassemble. only 1 layer of tape is needed and the brown mimics the interior wood panelling so its a win win.
    Great Little One

    1. Hi there,
      I also attempted to use black PVC tape, but in the end went for plasticard, glue and painting it. I resorted to painting the inside of the various vehicles due to the light bleed, but using tape is an interesting option. Do you use anti-flicker units on your lighting kits or not?? I am going to use one on the blue grey SK I am about to start and wish I had used one on this BCK- I think the flickering lessens the effect

    2. also have a look at the later post which shows the fix for this!!

  2. hi chopper

    no anti-flicker. i have tried dcc concepts anti-flicker and messed around tried to work lights from track power (ive also dabbled with express models kits at £17 a pop!) but it just didnt agree with me what with having to run wires to the bogies etc. not only that with over 50 coaches to do it would have got very expensive and some of the proprietory kits do not illuminate the vestibules or toilets etc. I wasnt happy with this.

    ive gone down a far less technical route and use cheap coin cell 3v batteries, tiny on-off switches and battery holders all nicely concealed under the coach on the none-viewing side as i run a roundy layout and will not turn the stock so from the operating well the coaches look untouched. bought the bits needed in bulk from china on ebay including my warm white LEDs. i use 3mm round head.

    on executive liveried mk1 stock because the plastic is the colour of the lower bodysides and thus really transluscent you need to check light bleed before reassembly with the body held adjacent to the lit coach. i use black enamel paint to touch in those awkward "lit" areas usually found at the extremeties of the coach bodysides at the toilets and doors.

    the lighting can also show through the toilet window surround even from a straight on view so i actually put my pvc tape slightly over the toilet window surround (all 4 sides). the effect is very good.

    my work on coaching stock is all on under GLO's workbench and i am currently looking at my brake comp vehicles - removing the factory plastic around the parcels area and creating authentic "caged" areas from mesh. - for the likes of you and I this will look really good with the interior lights on and a small stash of mail bags stacked up in the parcels area.

  3. Hi there, wow the detail you are putting into your coaches sounds fantastic. I will definitely look up the web-page - I am very keen to see the results. I really like the idea of the parcels cage though, not something I have thought of but a great little bit of extra detailing. 50 coaches for lighting is a lot, I have decided to use lighting in just a handful, which I will run as the evening service, but have only got as far as 1 coach!! Hopefully I will make it to 3 coaches in time!!
