Friday, 17 June 2011

Wagons, wagons and more wagons (CCT, PMV, Whale and POA)

Over the last two weeks or so, what little spare modelling time I had has been spent building the PMV, whale and converting the POA wagon. It has not been the most productive of weeks but these models are now nearing the paint shop. The POA sides were gentle melted with a blow torch and then the sides were filed. This is trying to recreate the look of the battering these wagons used to get when being loaded with scrap. The couplings have been added, so this is ready for some transfers this week.

The battered sides of the POA wagon

The whale wagon has been constructed over a few months. I never seemed to get enough time to really sit down and get on with the build. I was originally thinking this was ready for the paint shop, but the second photograph shows a slight mismatch on the canopy on the end, where it joins the body. Overall, I feel that my modelling of the canopies was not great and I am considering redoing them. The model is nearly there, but not quite, I think another evening with those canopies is required.

The nearly finished whale wagon

This photograph shows the slight mismatch between the canopy and the body handrail.

The PMV is the standard Parkside kit, with just some proper handrails added from 0.5mm brass wire. This one is ready for the paint shop. I have the other CCT painted, now requiring some transfers. I am hoping for a couple of spare evenings this week to get these models finished. Ultimately I am trying to build a small engineering train, supposedly for carrying spare parts between depots. It will consist of the PMV, the CCT and the 12ton van. Each will be finished in Engineering olive green. Each will be weathered to a different state.

PMV nearing the paintshop

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