Thursday, 14 February 2013

Pottington Quay DCC micro shunting layout

Class 50 running an engineers train

A couple of pictures of the developing scene at Pottington Quay. Over the last few nights the track has been glued down on part of the micro-layout. This has allowed the 'mainline' running past the yet to be constructed platform to become operational. The fiddleyards have also been extended and can now hold a diesel with a 3 coach train or a rake of 7/8 open wagons with a locomotive. The track laying was soldered up last night to a powerbus (soldering is not my strong point) via dropper wires. And tonight I have been testing the end to end running of the layout with the recently finished class 50 and also the class 45 I recently fitted with a Howes sound decoder. So far, so good. It is great to have somewhere to start running the locomotives again, especially with the sound on!

Class 45 with the sound running!

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