Sunday, 18 February 2024

O gauge Wagon Progress

The last few weeks has seen some intermittent, but steady progress on a few O gauge modelling projects. I managed to finish a Slaters Conflat A wagon over the last few weeks and all in all I am pretty happy with it. There was a lot of subtle weathering that I applied to the wagon, which seems to have been lost with the application of transfers and final weathering coats, but overall it look good I think. As per normal it was Railmatch enamels from an irbrush and tranfers are a mixture of Railtec and Fox.

Conflat A wagon finished on the test track.

Top view showing the weathered wood floor. 

Another wagon I have been playing with recently is this Dapol RTR 5 plank 13T corrugated end wagon. This wagon was an attempt to broaden my modelling/weathering repertoire, using AK international washes applied from a brush. Specifically, I wanted to develop my application of rust deposits, produce more realistic weathered wood effect, alongside attempting to work more quickly through the weathering process. It has been a good learning curve and whilst the wagon is not perfect, something usable will come from it. I am now airbrushing in some weathering on the underframe, before blending it all together with some final varnish coats. This wagon is a bit of experiment and I might well end up putting a tarpaulin over a wagon load at the end, if the finish is not quite right.

This wagon so far, has only been weathered by hand. It is definitely good practice to learn some new techniques.

The SR pill box brake van is making good progress towards transfers and glazing. There are a couple of bits of weathering to sort out and I am now painting the interior of the wagon, finishing the floors and painting the stove (why did I not do this before I glued it in place!). I am hopeful I can complete this wagon in the next couple of weeks.

The underframe needs a little more detailing (grease in particular).

The interior needs some more painting, a second coat for the wall and flor. The black smudges on the floor are an attempt at footprints. 

Lastly the SPV painting is coming on, applying faded BR blue. Multiple coats have been applied to try to create some tonal variation. This wagon was recently paint stripped and partially rebuilt, due to some bad transfers last time around. The underframe now needs painting and there is a bit of weathering to go on the body, using some paint washes.

SPV painting in progress.

So some good progress. I am going to clear a few of these wagon painting projects out of the way, then it is building the micro layout/test track - such as weathering the track, adding in some buffer stops and ballasting. I also took the class 33 downstairs to add on the details before it has a full repaint, alongside the detailing of the class 122 and class 03. I am also clearing out a lot of the old stock from the railway room that I never got around to detailing - I have too much stuff(!). It feels great to be having a clear out and to be focusing on a smaller number of O gauge projects.