Monday, 19 July 2021

00 gauge 12T box vans

I have recently been ticking over a few projects in the modelling boxes, although my enthusiasm for finishing off the 00 gauge projects is quite low at the moment.  I have mainly been working on 0 gauge models and am really enjoying working in the larger scale.  I am currently wondering whether I will return to 00 gauge at all - I am not sure.  I need to get the 0 gauge layout working then see how this feels for space, etc, before committing.  However, right now I certainly feel that 0 gauge is the scale for me.

Weathered vanfit.

Anyhow, I did manage to finish off a couple of 00 gauge 12T box vans at the weekend.  The vanfit I weathered years ago, but I thought the finish could be improved, whilst the shocvan was a new model. Both are now finished and rehoused in their respective boxes, although the Charlton layout has now gone, so I have nowhere to run them.  It still feels good to finish these models off and I hope to clear all of the 00 gauge models from the paint boxes before refilling them with 0 gauge wagons!

Weathered shocvan.