Sunday, 6 June 2021

End of the line and a new 0 gauge project

There have not been too many posts over the last few months.  However, a few projects have been slowly progressing and there has been a lot of mulling over what to do next.  I have had a set of baseboards on order for several months to complete a 00 gauge layout with two stations (well one station and a small platform halt). After finishing Charlton I feel I have developed the skills to tackle a larger project.  However, at the same time, my enthusiasm for this bigger project has been waning.  Charlton is soon to be rehomed, to free up some space for the new layout.  For the next layout I have finished building the smaller platform and the platform shelter has been in the paint boxes for several months.  However, there is no real momentum or excitement at the moment for the project (the fabled modellers mojo!).

The Charlton layout.

It certainly feels a bit strange to be passing Charlton onwards - it is where I test any rolling stock, but the time has come to tackle something new.  I really hope the new owner gets as much fun and use out of it, as I have. I have taken it to four exhibitions and when I started it, I never imagined that I would be capable of building and operating a layout at an exhibition.  It was a great learning curve and the layout has always performed near faultlessly. 

The new platform for Kimwick Halt in 00 gauge, pretty much complete, except for a bit of tidying up here and there.

Anyhow, I have decided to have a brief interlude from 00 gauge and although I will keep ticking over with 00 gauge modelling, finishing some projects in the model box, I have decided the next project will be an 0 gauge layout.  I hope to finish this layout within a year and I feel inspired to be able to build some bigger rolling stock for it.  It feels great to have a plan for the new layout and I hope to make some progress on it pretty quickly.