Sunday, 14 June 2020

Ling engineering wagon

Since the last update there has been virtually no progress on the modelling front, in fact the modelling desk/room has been tided up and put into storage.  This is due to another house move about to happen next week (fingers crossed!) which will mean I can get the Charlton layout out of storage and make a start on another couple of micro layouts I have got baseboards for.  This is all very exciting, but over the last few weeks I have not had the time, space or energy to do any modelling.  However, earlier on during lockdown I managed to finish off a few projects.  One of these was a ling wagon.  This is the Chivers finelines kit and is a cracking model to build.  It is finished as per the kit instructions and painted using the airbrush with Railmatch enamels paints.  Everything was going swimmingly well as I added the CCT transfers.  I did this at the same time as the LNER CCT and these transfers also suffered badly from silvering; I think I had a bad evening in the model room that day!

Finished Ling wagon

I have subsequently weathered the wagon to try to disguise the silvering, but it is still visible in places.  Ahh well - it will do for now and maybe in the future I will revisit it.  If not, it is not too visible at normal viewing distance.  So until I am set up in a few weeks time - I hope everyone stays safe and well.