Thursday, 31 October 2019

A class 33 with Howes DCC sound

Several years ago I finished the detailing on a Heljan class 33/2, and at the time I was really pleased with the weathered finished I had achieved.  It was one of the first models I had finished that several years later I am still reasonably happy with.  Bar a few knocks and scrapes on the model, the weathered finish has held up well and it has happily run on my layouts.  The recent destruction of the class 45 at an exhibition meant that I was an engine light in the rolling stock rota, so I thought I would treat this class 33 to a sound upgrade. A nice quick easy job or at least so I thought at the time!

Micro-speaker plus the removed fuel tanks.

A snug fit!

The issue was the lack of space for a speaker in the body.  So I took off the fuel tanks, removed the partition and glued the two halves back together.  I also drilled holes in the bottom of it to let the sound out.  There still was not a lot of room, so I ordered a micro-speaker from Road and Rails and ran the wires up past the bogie tower.  This seemed to work well, leaving only a simple solder up of the speaker wires before plugging the chip in.

Back together, with the holes drilled to let the sound out.

Even up close the speaker wires are not visible.

I ran the speaker wires above the bogie and through the bogie tower.  These were then soldered onto the speaker wires from the sound chip.

I have not set the layout up yet since adding the sound chip.  So I did a test run on a temporary track.  The verdict, as with all Howes sounds chips - it sounds fantastic.  So hopefully not does it only look the part, but it now sounds the part too.

Test run - I think this sounds great!

The class 47 project has not made any progress unfortunately, life has been a bit pushed in the last few weeks.  However, I have the Brighton exhibition coming up in mid November so it will be ready for then - it just needs to be reassembled and have the speaker and sound chip added.  I have also just ordered a new Hymek and goods shed for the next layout.....I just need a little more apologies for the lack of updates recently and I hope to get some more modelling time over the next few weeks!

Saturday, 5 October 2019

BR Blue class 47 heading for completion

Over the last few months I have intermittently been working on a the detailing/weathering of a class 47.  This is the Bachmann model, one of the earliest 21 pin releases, with a 4 letter head code.  The last one of these I did I filed down the window rivets, although on some 47 photographs these do seem pronounced so I have left them on this one.  

Finished weathering on the body - this is shaping up nicely....

The model still has a way to go until completion, but the main body weathering is finished.  The bogies need finishing off and I am yet to order the sound chip, another job for today. I need to reassemble the body and add the glazing back in before adding the speaker and the chip.  So in all optimism I should get this finished next weekend and I am quite happy with how it is looking at the moment.  A few other models are nearing completion too, so hopefully I will have a range of new stock for the next exhibition.