Saturday, 23 April 2016

0 Gauge sand wagon

Recently I finished off (well nearly finished off!) an 0 gauge sand wagon, from a Parkside Dundas kit.  The kit literally falls together and I really enjoyed using the air brush on this one.  I attempted to copy prototype images to mimic the staining running down the body side and of course it is for use in an engineers train for old spoil.  I have decided I really do not like the Parkside Dundas decals for these wagons, with the small details on the decal often breaking up a little.  Hence I am only going to use the excellent Railtec transfers for 0 gauge stock now.  There is a little bit of silvering on one of the electric flashes that I did not realise at the time, so I will have to address this at a later date......but all is all I am pretty happy with this one.

So another wagon has been finished in 0 gauge, a couple more are waiting for the paintshop and I find a couple of new Heljan 0 gauge wagons in my store boxes.  Undoubtedly a micro 0 gauge layout is on the horizon.  Baseboards are being ordered and Pottington Quay is coming out of storage next week as well.  Exciting times and I cannot wait to start running some trains on my layouts in the next few months.....I also really need to resist ordering the sound decoder for the Western I am working on....