Thursday, 18 February 2016

10t Starfish in 00

Another little project that has been finished off recently is a 10t Starfish wagon for the permanent way on the Pottington Quay layout.  This is the Cambrian kit that I built way back in 2013, but did not retrieve from storage until last year.  Whilst painting the 0 gauge Grampus I also gave this a few blasts of weathered black and rust shades from the airbrush.  Having built it so long ago I had forgotten where I was in the process.  One of the ends was not quite glued on straight and I had meant to file the wagon end down to cover this but had subsequently forgotten.  However, it is not too noticeable in the photographs.

The kit when it has been built is featherweight - too light to run without the risk of derailment.  So when we get back to Devon and everything comes out of storage, I am going to glue some spent ballast into the wagon to provide some weight.  The transfers are from Modelmaster and went on without any bother.  As described in some other posts, I had some issues with the last set of transfer application on the the SPV.  This time I ensured a super glosss finish and the transfers went on without any problems.

This has been a very enjoyable little project and I have a second one of these already built waiting for some paint.  It is going to wait a good while though, as we have moved house yet again and the air brush is back in storage.  Our next house will be a permaent stop back home in North Devon and we hope to have completed the move around August.  Until then work commitments and life are getting in the way!  Luckily I have a few kits kicking around to finish off, so I at least can get some modelling done over the next months, before setting up my layouts and starting again in earnest.