Still not much going on in my modelling world. I have plenty of enthusiasm for modelling, but have little time/continuity at the moment. I am spending a hefty amount f time travelling for work and this really disrupts any momentum. In lieu of any real modelling I have been building the odd wagon kit in the evenings, whenever I have a spare hour here or there.. I am still spreading my time between 00 gauge and 0 gauge, building two or three 00 kits to every one 0 gauge kit. Recently, I have finished a series of open wagon builds. The first was the corrugated ends 13t open wagon kit in 00 gauge. This kit is the standard Parkside kit and is built without the hood cover, the ends being filled where this was to glue on. A really simple but lovely kit to make. According to Parkside over 8000 of these wagons were made for BR and many had a second lease of life in the Engineering fleet. I am aiming to build 3 - 4 of these for use on spoil trains.

Another wagon build finished off recently was a 13t steel bodied open wagon. Again super simple to build. I think this one will be finished in a faded bauxite livery. I would be delighted if Parkside released a 7mm version of this too!
Lastly, a 12t pipe wagon is being constructed in 7mm scale. This is again a lovely kit to build and I think the 7mm bug has well and truely bitten. These wagon kits just fall together and I cannot wait to get the airbrush out and paint weather these bigger kits. The idea of a 7mm engineers yard/diesel depot has become very persistent.......although I am trying to resist purchasing a 7mm diesel kit