Sunday, 12 January 2014

Railways, photography, modelling and moving

I originally started writing thiis post in October, but suddenly it is 2014!! How on earth has so much time elapsed??? A happy new year to everyone. Time is literally flying by, with many aspects of life getting in the way of doing any modelling. Recent working trips have involved Africa and Europe and a move of house is on the cards. Life is full on and fantastic and I am enjoying much travel, great work and new experiences.

Finished whale wagon

My updates have been sporadic at best for the last few months and throughout the life of my blog one thing I have always struggled with is photography. I am rubbish at taking photos and my working knowledge of cameras is non-existent. However, a recent work acquisition has been a new Ipad, and recently when home I took a photograph of my finished whale wagon. The photograph quality I think is much better than my normal. So hopefully in February next year, when life finally settles down again I can produce some better photographs!! Until then - updates will be sporadic at best.

Other side of the finished whale wagon

So here are a couple of photographs of the kit built whale wagon, it looks ok (I think), although the canopies are an area I was never quite satisfied with...and a couple of trains from my travels. Other than this all normal modelling has stopped, until life settles down. In the meantime I am looking forward to the release of class 101 DMU from Bachmann and also fancy a new class 24 as well. I might take a few wagon kits away witth me and do a little bit of kit building while life is fluid and transient.  Hopefully a house move will allow me to start working a new layout before long.....

Some trains in Africa!!