Saturday, 1 June 2019

Morris J4 British Rail Van

There has not be a lot of time for modelling over the last couple of weeks. A weekend away and heavy workload have all but put a stop to any projects.  However, something I did managed to finish off before last weekend was a small BR van for the Charlton layout.

A BR J4 Morris van!

Note the driver squashed in - he must be tall!

This was a quick and simple project.  I took the van apart, added a driver and weathered the body of the van, chassis and glazing separately.  I gave it a spray of satin varnish before I started a bit of weathering, to give the paints something to key into and then applied some weathering enamels from an air brush.  Before I had sealed the van with a final varnish coat it slipped over in the paint box (it was balanced on a class 37 chassis) and it rubbed some paint off on the sides.  I decided to keep this though, as a few yellower and darker patches seemed to work quite nicely. So the first road vehicle for Charlton.  I really need to get the layout set up and running, as its first exhibition is coming up at the end of June.  Unfortunately I have neither the time nor the space right now...although a finished DCC sound warship is about to roll out of the paintworks....

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