Saturday, 15 June 2019

BY van in the engineers train

As well as finishing off some of the detailing on the layout last weekend, I gave the final blast of varnish to a BY wagon.  This is the standard Parkside kit, finished off in engineers olive green.  Many years ago I built a CCT and a PMV, both finished in olive green. So the BY van now joins them in this small train.  I have recently revised my interest in building a short(ish!) train of engineering CCTS and vans.  I have now got a PMV, CCT, 12t van, and recently purchased a Bachmann olive green BG to run with this.  On the work bench I am building a GWR Python wagon and a GWR Iron Mink wagon to add to this in some shabby engineering olive liveries!  So maybe not such a short train, but something a little different and fun to build.

Finished BY at the station.

Being shunted about at the station.

Coupled up to its train.

As per normal this was built from the kit, although I reinforced the joins with some plastic strip.  It was painted with the airbrush, using Railmatch enamels, and the transfers are from Modelmaster.  I am not sure the lighting in these photographs does the wagon justice - but I think the detailing on this one looks spot on!  So another one finished and ready to go.  I will definitely be taking this van to the exhibition in a few weeks time.  When I built the original PMV I somehow forgot to add the footboards, so I also need to revisit this over the coming weeks. Summer is here now and I have to go trans-Atlantic with work for a week or so, so an update when I get back.

At the station ready for collection.

Coupled up to a warship and heading back to Exeter!

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