Sunday, 7 April 2013

Potting Quay buildings

Not much time for modelling at the moment, but I have been attempting to get the buildings constructed for Pottington Quay. Two of these are well known Wills kits, one being the timber yard and the other being the goods shed. The timber yard has been modified a little a will hopefully represent some form of merchant trader on some land at the quay edge. This is placed at the front of the layout on the Ilfracombe side. The goods shed will be placed with a platform, on the Barnstaple side of the layout. This will be close the to the warehouse building, both of which are hiding exits to the fiddleyards. Both the goods shed and warehouse are an attempt to depict steam age infrastructure still present but derelict in the diesel age.

Barnstaple side of the layout, with goods shed and warehoue disguisng the fiddleyards.

I still have not solved the issue of disguising the fiddle yard to Ilfracombe. A few thoughts have come and gone, but I am not sure. It might be a disused platform and building. However, I still have the main platform to build, a signal box and have two partially constructed knightwing portacabin kits. I think it will be a few weeks until these buildings are all made and glued down. Until then, I have three electrofrogs to solder up. Soldering and making buildings are two things I am not particularly proficient at, and consequently progress has been slow. I am really looking forward to getting the whole thing soldered up and all the buildings down so I can start running trains.

The Ilfracombe end of the layout

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