Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A bachmann brake van

Having just got hold of a SR 25t pill box brake van, I have spent a few evenings weathering this model. I built the cambrian kit a few years ago, which I still think is a pretty good model. However, the Bachmann brake van is also very good, with lovely fitted handrails, and separate underframe detailing parts. With a little bit of work I think this model really comes up well.

As ever the model was fitted with 3 link couplings, which on this Bachmann model is not too arduous a job. The model was given a wash of mixed framed dirt and weathered black from a paint brush. Then a number of shades were applied from the airbrush. Weathered balck was first applied on all the upstanding details and then sleeper grime applied to the van sides and frame dirt applied to the underframe. All in all a lovely little project and quickly finished.

I have been doing odds and sods of modelling recently, not really cracking on with anything substantial, but bits and bobs here and there. I still have not soldered up electrofrog points though - a task I keep putting off. However, the tunny wagon and whale wagon are very close to completion, so hopefully some pics of these to follow soon....

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