Friday, 22 March 2013

Pottington Quay micro layout - further progress

It has been a while since my last post, mainly due to working away the last few weeks. I have been doing bits and pieces of modelling, but none of my current projects has really significantly moved forward. One thing I have been trying is to position buildings around Pottington Quay to disguise the holes in the backscene for the entry/exit of the trains. Originally I had planned to only have two exits on the Barnstaple side of the layout, but added a third on the Ilfracombe side of the layout to allow through-running passenger trains. This has complicated the layout a little bit as I had originally constructed one building to disguise the Barnstaple side, but I now need something else for the Ilfracombe side. I am thinking of using the Bachmann maintenance depot as per the picture, but this will remove the use of the siding for goods vehicles - which is something I want on this layout. So for now I am stuck for ideas - I have purchased a double portacabin kit from Knightwing to see if this will fit between the mainline and the siding. Otherwise, I am a bit stuck on how to disguise this break.....

Barnstaple side - this end will also have a goods shed between the railway and the quayside

And the Ilfracombe side - this exit needs disguising but I am not sure how....


  1. I have used trees and shrubs with success.

    1. Hi David,
      thanks for the comment - I did think about using a tree/bushes, but I think the gap between the siding and main line will be too tight. I still have not come up with any solutions though
