Monday, 1 April 2019

Hornby Class 31 - Howes DCC sound now fitted

Not much has happened on the modelling front in the last couple of weeks, with a work trip to North Africa slowing down modelling progress.  However, previously I did manage to upgrade the DCC sound on my Hornby class 31.  I experimented with the new Hornby TTS sound system as a cheap DCC sound chip.  Whilst I thought the sound reproduction was quite good, the control over the train whilst driving was poor and I upgraded the locomotive to a Howes DCC sound system with a Road and Rails double Iphone speaker.  This is now my standard way of detailing locomotives to run on the Charlton layout.

The finished locomotive.

The original post on finishing the locomotive is here

So here are a couple of videos with the new Howes DCC sound chip fitted.  It now sounds fantastic and importantly it now runs a like a dream.  As I have said before the addition of sounds to a locomotive really adds a whole new level to the running of trains. I have certainly come to the view that a few sound equipped locomotives is better for layout running than a lot of non-sound fitted locomotives.  Whilst of course this is only my opinion, running a small layout like mine only needs 4 sound chipped locomotives and this cost is broadly equivalent to eight non-sound models.   However, it is much more fun to drive locomotives with sound!

The start up of the Class 31.

Class 31 running around its short train, with plenty of flange squeal!

Class 31 buffering up to its train after running around.

Running light out of the station at the end of the day - the driver is opening her up a little!

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