Sunday, 20 November 2016

Pottington Quay Micro layout - a bit of station progress

A work trip out of the country for a couple of weeks has put a stop to any momentum with the development of the layout.  I find I need a consecutive run of modelling sessions to get back into modelling and this is especially true of layout building - there is always so much more to do than say building a wagon kit or detailing a locomotive.

The platform from the Ilfracombe side

View from the inter-tidal mudflats - with the quay wall loosely positioned for perspective

The platform from the Barnstaple side

Anyhow, before I left for warmer climes I had spent some time building the station for Pottington Quay and it is sufficiently constructed to be able to see how it looks on the micro layout.  I must say the overall effect of the station is much bigger that I expected for the layout.  The platform is built from the basic Peco components with an extension built from some plasticard and Dart casting components.  The next jobs are to get the platform painted and scratch build a couple of structures for the platform, as well as getting the quay wall installed.  There is also some serious scribing to be done on an area of DAS clay on the quay side.  With a run of time approaching in the next month over xmas I am hopeful that I can get these main components finished which will really transform the layout. 

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