Monday, 31 October 2016

Class 25 Br blue

The last couple of weeks have seen very limited modelling time, with only a handful of evenings of painting and modelling.  One project that has been sitting in the boxes of models that I am painting has been a class 25 body shell from Bachmann.  Over the previous weeks whenever I have had some spare paint in the air brush I have done a little on this model, in a very non directional, non focused way!

Finished class 25 of Pottington Quay

So after several months the project reached completion, almost without noticing.  I am about to repaint one of my earlier Class 25 efforts, so I took the chassis off this locomotive and attached it to this finished body shell.

The locomotive from the other end

The class 25 had various shades of faded yellow and faded rail blue applied in hap-hazard way over the body shell, before an overall wash of dilute weathered black/frame dirt mix.  Most of this was wiped off, trying to leave to the bits that had settled in all the nooks and crannies.  Then various shades of weathering colours were sprayed over the model, trying not to overdo it, but blend all the various components together.  This is the end result - certainly better than my first efforts at air brush painting!

Close up of the body side, showing some of the tonal variation, with lighter and darker areas of rail blue visible.

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