Sunday, 5 October 2014

CCT and sturgeon progress

I am slowly getting back into the swing of modelling and have made a little progress on a couple of wagon kits.  The first of these is a the Parkside CCT parcels van, which will eventually be used on a short parcels train, together with a couple of yet unbuilt kits.  Other than swapping the buffers for some Lanarkshire Models CCT ones and adding some wire handrails this wagon is built as per the instructions.  The wagon needs some 3 link couplings (I forgot to do this when building it)  and then it is ready for the paint shop....although painting it will realistically be a post xmas activity.

CCT nearing the paintshop.  This one will definitely be in grubby, faded BR blue.

The second wagon is a Cambrian sturgeon wagon kit.  The majority of the kit is built but I just need a few hours to sit down with the instructions and work out where all the fiddly little bits go.  Again I am hoping to get this one built before xmas and ready for a post xmas batch of painting.

The sturgeon wagon build slowly plods on

Although I have retrieved my air brush, all the paints, thinners, etc are still in storage.  Rather than rebuying everything, I hope to recover some of this equipment in the not too distant future and then set about batch painting a group of kits.  My 0 gauge grampus kit should be delivered tomorrow and after finishing building these kits I intend to build the Grampus kit  I also hope to finally getting around to detailing a lima class 37, which I have a replacement Vitrains chassis for.  Grand plans, but not much time.  However, I am glad to be back in the swing of things and the modelling bug has ceryainly bitten again.

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