Saturday, 8 March 2025

O Gauge Class 33 Repaint Ongoing and a little more layout progress

Modelling progress continues to tick over, with lots of items in the paint boxes and one of the baseboards set up up downstairs so some scenery can be competed. The class 33 repaint continues to make slow but steady progress. The BR blue has been sealed with a satin varnish coat, after some details were picked out with weathered black. The bodyshell will get some weathering washes applied over it next, before the addition of transfers.  All in all, this is shaping up nicely, but there is plenty more painting to go on this project.

Some basic weathering of the Class 33 body shell has been completed, this will now have some weathering washes applied over it.

The end baseboard of the layout has also seen some basic scenery work. The retaining wall for the pub has been built, alongside some paving stones added to the garden. I need to finish off the painting of the retaining wall this weekend, before adding in some grass and bushes, before gluing down the pub. A rock face has also been painted behind the pub, representing an old quarry. Most of this rock face will be hidden by vegetation, although I have made an attempt to model the bedding planes of bedrock, typical of the North Devon geology. The scenic detailing will stop for a couple of weeks now, but I am hoping to take some time off work later in March and spend some dedicated days attacking the detailing at this end of the layout.

The pub retaining wall, now scribed and in the process of being painted. The rock face of the quarry behind the pub is also visible.

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