Friday, 16 June 2023

An O gauge Pub and a start on the dairy buildings

Recently I have decided to finish off a number of projects that were started a while ago, but have subsequently sat around. I am hoping that over summer I can get the layout set up properly and finally finish the ballasting, add in the backscene and do a lot of the detailing projects, i.e. have a usable model railway. Right now, the O gauge layout has stalled somewhat, after moving house and having to install a new kitchen/diner, etc.  When I finally get around to setting up the layout, I want to be able to add in some of the buildings and then move relatively quickly into adding small details/scenery around the layout.  So to be able to do that I need to get cracking with finishing off some of the buildings.

Finally finished the pub - now I just need to set it within a 'scene' on the layout.

The pub has been an ongoing project, having been close to finished for a while. Some final bits and bobs needed to be added, such as a few piece of guttering and a bit of painting here and there. The basis for the model is a Petite Properties kit and this was first my attempt at producing a model building like this. I have learnt quite a bit from doing it, especially that sanding down Polyfilla goes everywhere! However, it has turned out OK and I can see how I can improve the overall finish on subsequent models. I have installed some lights in the pub and it has a fitted interior. Modelling in O gauge does provide the opportunity to install lights/interiors as features of model buildings and quite a few of the buildings will have lighting installed.

The pub has working lights and the local landlady visible. She is well known to the locals......

With the pub finished I am now detailing one of the dairy buildings and make a proper start on painting the Quay masters cottage. After this I have the second dairy building to do, that will sit on the top of the dairy platform at the end of the layout. If I can get these bits knocked off in the next few weeks then I can really make a start with some of the basic detailing elements over the summer (once the kitchen has been installed anyhow!). The other big job, is to sort out a tunnel exit - I have now purchased two tunnel kits and neither of them fit the bill, so I am just going to have a go at scratch building something - fingers crossed. I need something smaller for the end of the layout - as the purchased tunnels are just too wide. The other thing I am planning to do relatively soon is install the water scene on the quay - I am going to buy some AK interactive water gel and give this a try - although I plan to do some experimenting first.....

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