Wednesday, 7 December 2022

A continuous run in OO gauge - Pottington Quay refurb!

I have not had much time for modelling recently and had a spell of a few weeks away from home.  During this time I was mulling over various modelling projects. I have been a bit frustrated with the lack of train running recently as the O gauge layout develops, and I have a lot of very good OO gauge rolling stock just sitting around in boxes.  Putting all these things together - I made the decision to make a continuous run OO gauge, using the Pottington Quay baseboard as the scenic section as soon as I got home.  My logic for this was:

1.  I already had the baseboards necessary to complete a continuous run.

2.  I did not need to finish detailing the layout - I just needed a continuous run - to stop the rolling stock (especially the sound chipped) locomotives from seizing up.

3. Having a working OO gauge layout will hopefully inspire me to get the Pottington layout finished - although this can be done at a meandering pace.

4. I have gathered a lot of the materials to get this layout operational over the year - so it is probably time to make a start. 

The layout pre-dismantling.

So Pottington Quay needs a complete rewire, all the trackwork replaced and all the point motors replaced.  My layout building skills have come a long way from this earlier attempt - and there is nothing for it but to rip it all up and start again. So yesterday I ordered all the track I need to make at least one continuous loop with the points needed for further extension.  The original track on Pottington Quay was taken up - and this will be recycled into the fiddle yard and the cork underlay was arduously scraped up. 

Pottington Quay in the post Beeching era - track removed!

The jobs for this week are to build the curved baseboards (Tim Horn) and construct the straight fiddle yard to finish the continuous run circuit. I reckon with a bit of imaginative point laying I can accommodate a western or warship with 6 mk1 coaches in the 'offscene' run around - which will be far too long for the layout - but it will definitely be fun to sit down and watch with a beer in hand

Removed extension of the platform for repainting.

Whilst dismantling the track work I took a scalpel to the original station - I was not happy with the paint job, especially on the extension.  It came off with a little bit of damage done - but this is now on modelling desk to fix up this weekend and get back into the paint boxes asap.  The plan is to get the continuous loop run operational before the start of xmas - I think this is doable - once the main loop is complete - I can add the rest of the track and point motors at a more leisurely pace over the coming year. I am not completely decided on the new track plan - so having a bit of time to mull it over will be beneficial.

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