Saturday, 22 January 2022

Kimmington Quay further progress

So I have made some good progress on the new layout.  All of the DCC side of the layout is operational, with the points all working fine with DCC concepts point motors and levers.  I have now finally finished painting the track and alongside this I have managed to glue the platform into place.  Alongside this I have now managed to make a start on painting the dairy platform.  This is now the rate limiting step; as soon as this is painted then I can make a start on ballasting.  It really feels like I am making some progress now and can finally make a real start on detailing the layout and starting to add in the scenic details.

Platform at Kimmington Quay being glued down.

Track painted!

The view of the platform from the inter tidal muds!

In other modelling, I have managed to crack on with the painting with the 13t open wagon and also the 12t pipe wagon, both in O gauge.  I also managed to sound chip a Dapol class 122 DMU today and chip a Dapol class 08 to use as a run around to check the layout.  

Video showing the extent of the O gauge layout.

So all in all, very satisfying progress.  It really is a new world working in O gauge.  Whilst I am very confident whilst working in OO gauge, the step into O gauge has meant that I am learning again as I go.  However, it is a lot of fun and I currently have a little momentum with pushing on with the layout. Being able to run trains around transforms the perceptions of progress on the layout.  Hopefully, more progress to follow!

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