Sunday, 15 August 2021

0 Gauge layout progress

I have recently been modelling away on a new 0 gauge layout, although progress has been a little slower than I would have liked.  The main job has been to construct a platform.  Once this bit is finished, I can glue it into place and line the track up.  I purchased some laser cut kits to construct the platform, with the top of the platform being made from 2mm plasticard.  This is now being painted ready to install. Having moved up to 0 gauge, the size of everything seems huge compared to modelling in 00 gauge - everything seems to have a bit more presence.

Finished platform ready for painting.

Platform is now slowly taking shape during the painting. Being 0 gauge, it is taking a lot of paint to cover it!

I am also building a Petite Properties building, which will be a pub.  All layouts seem to have a pub nowadays - and I am pretty happy with how this one is shaping up.  The exterior is scribed polyfilla, painted with some cheap enamel paints.  There is a bit of detailing to go, with a partially modelled interior, but it is getting there.  I am pretty happy with the finish so far.  I am scratch building a bit of interior furniture and will add some pub benches/flower pots, etc outside.  

Interior tables and bar during painting.

Overall the layout is 12ft long, although the end board to a fiddle yard is curved.  The track is running on a raised level, allowing me to model an estuary/sea front, just like Barnstaple. One of the next big jobs is to order some DAS clay and build the stonework at the front of the layout.  

The raised level on the layout.

I am finding modelling in 0 gauge so much more fulfilling than 00 gauge.  I am also finding that my capacity to scratch build bits and pieces is much easier in 0 gauge - to me it feels a lot more realistic to model in (although I have not made that much progress!).  I think that for now I am now definitely an 0 gauge modeller and have sold off quite a lot of my 00 gauge stuff.  I think this is definitely the way forward for me.

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