Sunday, 14 February 2021

Class 50 and Class 25 on engineering works at Charlton station

This weekend I ran a few trains on Charlton.  It is probably the last time I am going to set up the layout before selling it.  I fixed up a rake of engineering spoil wagons and also some hopper wagons.  The engineers spoil wagons are all kit built and it gave me a lot of satisfaction seeing the rake running together.  They have been completed over the years, with varying levels of competency; however, it feels very great to see a train composed of my own kit built stock.  It is now time to sell Charlton and make room for the next layout.  I have a baseboard ready to start (subject to some work with a saw to open out one end) - and I am excited to build a much more ambitious layout.  Anyhow enjoy for now - more updates soon!

Engineering Sunday at Charlton.

Initially a Class 25 brings in hopper wagons with fresh ballast.

Before leaving and collecting a rake of spoil wagons for spent ballast.

The spoil train is too long for the loop at Charlton, so a class 50 picks up the train to head down the line for track relaying.

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