Sunday, 22 December 2019

Another Milk Tanker - and Merry Christmas

Another few weeks seem to have flown past.  The airbrush has been firmly packed away and the partially built models have been gathering dust on the work bench.  I have had to work away for several weeks, which really disrupts the rhythm of modelling and life in general.  However, with Christmas now here, I have managed to gain some days for uninterrupted modelling over the festive period.  This is virtually unheard of and is something I am really looking forward too.

Finished milk tanker.  As per previous posts it is not the best model there is, but it is about all there is!

Anyhow, prior to travelling away I did get another milk tanker finished off.  This is the third milk tank I have finished; overall I am going for a train of 5 milk tankers.  I am planning to build a small 00 gauge layout next year, a small 3ft box to act as a test track, although it will have a small goods shed with it, with milk loading facilities.  I am gathering some buildings for this and hope to start building in earnest early next year.  Let's see how this progresses next year.

Another shot of the wagon after some shunting.

I have lots of small projects almost finished, so I hope to be able to finish some these off over the break.  In the mean time I wish everyone a very merry Christmas.

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