Sunday, 17 February 2019

Charlton progress and the class 122 DMU running

A few weeks ago I posted some images of the finished class 122 DMU from Dapol.  This weekend I started on finishing off the scenic work on Charlton. With this finishing off at least started (I am doing it on a board by board basis - there are three scenic boards in total), I could not resist the temptation of the running a few trains at the same time, whilst the copious amounts of PVA glue was drying.
Class 122 running into Charlton from Bideford.

Ready to head back to Bideford, although the wrong destination is showing!

So here are a couple of videos of the class 122 running. When I was detailing the class 122 DMU the body shell paint finish reacted with a weathering wash, and discoloured.  As a consequence I had to apply a heavier weathered finish than I originally intended.  However, with the DMU placed on the layout and running around the finish on the DMU does not look too bad.  With the lights switched on and the Howes sound decoder ticking over, the DMU looks and sounds the part.

Class 122 DMU start up.

Class 122 heading back to Bideford, leaving Charlton.

The lights on this DMU look particularly good I think.  The sound decoder is slightly tricky to drive, and not one of Howes best, in my opinion because of this.  Whilst it sounds great, you have to time the DMU run into the layout carefully, in order to not get a gear change and more acceleration whilst stopped at the platform.  However, it is great to have a non-coach passenger train to drive around the layout and I need a bit of practice on this one I think.
Class 122 leaving the station with the lighting shown to good effect.

Class 122 running back into Charlton, later in the day.

And leaving at dusk, back to Barnstaple.  Again the lights look good in this view.

I also started up the class 22, in order to do a little bit of adjustment of the sound levels, with this project now finished.  On some great other news I have booked the layout into its first exhibition at the Bluebell Railway (Sussex) this June.  I am going to run a 1970s set of stock on this, including the class 22, a class 25, a class 42 (warship) and the class 52 (Western) on this weekend - but more on this to come.

Baby warship heading towards Barnstaple with a short parcels train (recently finished CCT).