Thursday, 14 July 2016

Pottington Quay Micro layout - shunting practice

Since wiring up the layout I have spent the last week or so laying the track in the fiddle yard and the running trains on the layout.  In particular I have been keen to play with the shunting options of the layout; needless to say it is a lot of fun, although at times my patience has been tested with 3 link couplings. I have really enjoyed shunting trains around and using an 08 to move wagons to where they are needed after they have been been brought onto the layout.

A filthy class 25 arrives with a short ballast train.  This locomotive is heading back to the paintshop soon!

There are two lessons learnt so far.  The first is the layout is much more enjoyable to operate from the front.  I was going to use a Bachmann E-Z controller - but will revert back to the NCE powercab - to give the flexibility to move about.  However, the control panel is built into the back of the layout - so by standing at the front there s a lot of leaning over the fiddle yard - ah well.... you live and learn.

After uncoupling from its ballast train the 25 is used to take the passenger service back towards Exeter.

The second issue is the front siding was originally going to be an engine shed that had been converted into a wagon repair works.  The engine shed itself would have been a scenic break for the second fiddle yard exit/entrance.  However, this does not work as I often need to use the siding to store a loco/wagon during shunting.  So with this I am going to have to work out another way to disguise the entrance/exit to the fiddle yard and leave this as an operational siding.

Classes 33 and 08 shunting wagons and getting the ballast train ready, with a class 25 waiting in the siding.

Another key part of the layout is there is no run around facilities for locomotive hauled services, due to it being a truncated branchline and the difficulty BR would have had to change the track plan here. So when a class 25 with a couple of mk1s appears it needs a locomotive to take the carriages away back up the line.  This is great, as it always means you can justify a class 25/31/33 hanging around the sidings awaiting the next passenger service.  I plan to run one set of locomotive hauled stock and one DMU into the station area.

View towards the fiddle yard, with a mock up building where a goods shed will be placed.

I have also been running a couple of DCC sound fitted Bachmann locomotives around, especially the class 25 they released a few years back.  I have to say, the sounds are pretty rubbish on the factory fitted locomotives and not at all in sync with the engines movements.  So I am about to purchase a Howes sound chip for the Western project and reblow the class 25 and 37 Bachmann sounds using Howes again.  Getting the modelling/paint-works set up for detailing these locomotives and starting the buildings on Pottington Quay is now the priority, but as ever I am off away with work for a couple of weeks now, so this will all have to wait until August to get started in earnest in detailing the stock/layout.

Time-lapse sequence

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