Friday, 2 January 2015

0 gauge grampus ready for the paintshop

A few days back in Devon before xmas allowed me some time to finish off adding the detail to my 0 gauge grampus wagon.  I found the footstep support to be a nightmare to fold over from the etched brass fret- and sure enough wrecked it.  I managed too bodge something else together from some spare plastic - but it did highlight to me the need to get the right tools for the job - a hold and fold tool is surely required!

 Finished Grampus with detail added

The wagon went together easily - all imperfections are a product of my modelling.  There are a couple of small areas to give a quick touch up to, then it is straight into the paintshop with this. I hope to get my airbrush properly set up again within a month or too - so hopefully it will not be too long until I can get this little project finished.

Folded door springs

After the Grampus, I started building a SR25t pillbox brakevan in 0 gauge now.  This one is to be finished in departmental olive green. I think I might have been stung by the 0 gauge bug - a string of 0 gauge wagons have been ordered to build a little shunting layout.  I am desperately trying to resist the urge to buy a Heljan class 33 or 31, and a Dapol 08 has been ordered.  I like the idea of building a small layout where I have a limited amount of rolling stock, but pretty much everything is hand built. We shall see, butt I am very much enjoying building in this larger scale and thinking about what  would like to buy/build next!

In 00 gauge there has been no progress recently, except for starting an odd Parkside kit - everything else is on hold.   I am tempted to consider selling off a large proportion of my un-detailed 00 gauge fleet...but I am only tempted at this moment in time......

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