Sunday, 28 July 2013

Whale wagon nears completion

A huge amount of time has elapsed since my last update - so apologies. My railway modelling activities have ground to halt in the last few months. This has been caused by a variety of factors, but mainly work related. A few changes have happened recently professionally, all of which have been positive and welcomed. However, this has left no time for anything else, so playing with models has been firmly on the back-burner.

Anyhow, today I managed to take a couple of snaps of the almost completed whale wagon. I can't remember how far I got with this one, but I think I have to varnish it still. The bearings are a bit gunked up, so they need a light oiling, but it is pretty close to the finished article. This project was held up for months by not being able to source suitable transfers. However, I managed to get hold of some from Appleby Engineering - a hearty endorsement for them. The wagon is finished in engineering olive, with a heart coating of rust. I am pleased with how it has turned out. I have another one or two of these to build along with some walruses.

The photos were taken on the small diorama my son made. This is partly due to fact that Potting Quay, my new layout, is still miles away from getting the tracks soldered up properly. This means I am not running any trains and I think that must be part of the reason for my lack of general modelling enthusiasm at the moment. I am away now for another month, so it will be even longer until regular updates start happening again. However, I am hoping that life will settle down again come autumn and I will have more time for modelling again.

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