Friday, 29 June 2012

Georgeham platform light

Well at last an evening at home transpired to allow me to do some modelling. Whilst recently surveying in Ireland and also across Exmoor I decided to finish off two jobs. The first was the ill fitting class 121 body, due to the express models lighting kit. The offending lighting unit was cut off, cut down using a dremmel and resoldered together. Several attempts were made before it was successfully resoldered together. However, it all now fits happily together and hopefully looks the part.

In summary and with this project now definitely finished, it should be stated that the running qualities of the hornby motors on this class 121 are awful!! I have the second one waiting for a repaint and fiddled about with decoders tonight between the two class 121 motor units. Suffice to say, little improvement was made between either chassis on either DCC or DC control. A quick internet search has revealed similar issues for others. Next time I am going to replace the motor. If anyone has a suggested replacement motor power unit I would be delighted to hear from you...

Evening Exeter bound DMU

The second quick job was to rig up the platform light. This was simply connected to a little square battery and hey presto it all works fine. In the fullness of time I am going to put a proper battery terminal and switch in.

Class 121 with ill fitting body shell cured

Life is very busy at the moment, but this leaves little time for any modelling. Updates for the next month or so will be sporadic at best.

Class 121 entering Georgeham halt

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