Monday, 19 March 2012

Class 25 repaint update

Well following on from last weeks slightly euphoric post about my first attempt to repaint a locomotive, I had got to the first stages of varnishing. I consulted George Dent on how best to finish this loco off, transfers and varnishing details and the like (thanks George!!), and got ready to apply some of the first varnishing coats. However, as I was readying the airbrush I noticed quite a lot of dust had settled on the roof of the locomotive. How this had got there I am not sure, as I keep the model in a sealed plastic box, but there it was!

Front end, with the blistered paint

I was washing a DMU ready for for some weathering that morning, so I decided to give the class 25 a quick wash at the same time. Well this proved to be a critical mistake. I took the class 25 out of the box this morning to give it a blast of varnish from the airbrush. The water from washing it has got under the enamel coats and blistered them. The finish has been totally ruined, producing small speckles all over the locomotive.

Body side, again showing blistering

So there we go, one totally ruined paint job. Straight back into the paint stripper tonight for another go!! To be totally honest it is not a complete disaster. This was my first attempt at this sort of thing and the separation between the blue and yellow was not perfect. Also I forgot to add the handrails on the front, before painting!! So I can address these issues and hopefully be 're-painting the repaint' by the weekend. The other positive is that this is my first repaint of many and I do not intend to make this mistake again!!

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