Sunday, 27 October 2024

A new modelling room

Over the last couple of months I have had virtually no modelling time, as pretty much all of my time has been taken up between normal work (the 9-5) and redecorating the house. The house redecoration has been a long old project, with every room requiring a complete reworking. We are now 75% of the way through this process and one of the rooms I was allowed to undertake recently was my modelling room. Decorating the railway room next was a strategic move, getting train boxes out of rooms that would soon be coming up to being redecorated, whilst providing me with some space to actually undertake some modelling. The model railway room is the small box room in the house, but I am not complaining. There is enough room to have my DCC test track permanently set up and a desk, with my air brush also permanently set up. Having access to the air brush is a massive bonus, as I will be able to paint anytime I work from home. All the paint boxes with half finished models are stacked to the side of the desk and I can now start to work through these models (although I do need a new compressor).

Whilst splashing some paint on the walls of the spare room, I also took the liberty of ordering some bargain kitchen units and I topped these with some of the old worktop kicking around from the recent kitchen refit. These cupboards are the ideal storage space for all of my O gauge stock. This is a game changer for me, as my models have gone from being stored in plastic boxes that were stacked up in various rooms, to being completely accessible again in the modelling room.

The cabinets are used to store all the rolling stock. The DCC test track will fit over across the top of the two units.

The airbrush is now permanently set up and operational on my desk.

So I now have a fully functional railway room - this is a major step forward and I am delighted! The next jobs now are to get yet another baseboard kit built up, so I can fully setup the DCC test track. With this set up, track laying can be finished and the process of detailing this little layout can start. Alongside this, I can finally finish off some of these models that are half painted, whilst also getting some of the O gauge locomotives DCC sound installed and detailed. I am really looking forward to the next few weeks!