Sunday, 14 March 2021

Olive green BG for the Engineers train

There have been fits and starts of modelling over the last month or so, with projects ticking over but nothing really been completed.  However, a somewhat unexpected free weekend, meant that I was able to put the olive green BG for the engineering train back together with an internal lighting unit.  The layout was not set up - so I have not managed to test the lights (fingers crossed they are wired up OK).

Finished BG coach, now working in the engineering fleet.

This is the Bachmann model, that I took apart and weathered separately, before reassembling today. I used railmatch paints throughout, applied from the airbrush, after an all over wash of weathered black and sleeper grime.  This is the final piece of rolling stock for an engineering rake, consisting of an SR PMV, CCT, BY and the GWR Iron Mink and Python wagons.  This all adds a little variety to the rolling stock and trains I can run on the future layout.

Another view of the completed BG.

There a lot more projects to finish off. I have the sound decoder for a class 108 DMU that requires detailing, alongside a new Bachmann class 121 and a class 42 warship that needs detailing.  So plenty to do in the next few weeks.  Hopefully more to follow soon.