Monday, 25 May 2020

Another Milk Tanker Finished

Lockdown continues to rumble on and it is a strange time for everyone.  For me it involved having to move 3 weeks ago with a change in circumstances, to look after some people.  This was not a problem, but it meant I had to temporarily abandon my modelling area.  Modelling has been pretty much zilch since then for the the past 3-4 weeks, which is a shame as I was making a little progress on a few projects.  However, of course, the well being of loved ones is far, far more important.  To be honest, in some strange way, the last 3 weeks have been some of the most enjoyable I have had in recent years, although lockdown makes doing even the most simple of tasks very difficult.

The finished milk tanker: these wagons were pretty filthy by the 1970s.

However, before I left I managed to finish off another milk tanker for layout.  As per previous post, this is the Dapol offering that is pretty crude.  So in common with the other milk tankers I just tried to highlight some details and create a passable representation of a milk tanker from a poor starting point.  The wagon was taken apart and the worst offending mould lines were sanded off.  Details on the underframe were picked out and highlighted using rust, weathered black and white.  The tanker body was streaked with various weathering shades, before reassembling and a good dose of satin varnish.

A passable representation I think....

Before leaving I did manage to pack a few kits to build.  I have been working my way through a series of Cambrian kits recent, having finished a Herring wagon and two Walrus wagons.  I have a partly constructed SR 40T hopper with me, so fingers crossed I will be able to find a little time this week to finish this off.  In case I suddenly end up with masses of time (which I will not!) I also have a Whale wagon and another Herring wagon with me to build.  In the meantime I hope everyone stays safe and that we can all find away to adapt to this situation and make the best of it.