Thursday, 30 November 2017

Micro layout progress

Over the weekend I have made some progress on laying the track on the micro layout and getting it all soldered up ready to go.  I now always use electrofrog points on my layouts, as I run all my layouts via DCC.  This time I have added gaugemaster point juicers to the electrofrogs and I am really impressed with how they work.  This takes the pain out of wiring up seep motors and positioning them almost perfectly so they make a full throw and switch polarity.

Underneath - using the Express Models powerbus kit

Under the baseboard is the Express Models powerbus kit, which is really easy to use and this time I have kept the wiring relatively neat - I have even used a colour coding of sorts!  A job for this weekend is to fit some underboard point motors and build a control panel.  I still have to get the backscenes sorted and I have only just ordered the final baseboard for the fiddle yard, although this might also have a small scenic section on it.  I am waiting for the final baseboard to arrive before sizing it up to see exactly what I want to do with it.  I also need to order a couple of stands, to be able to set the layout up with out using my table!

Full view of the layout so far

It is great to have somewhere to run trains again, although it is very limited what running I can do without the fiddle yard in place.   However, with the western just about finished it is great to have somewhere to put this through its paces and listen to it idle away.  I am going to make a start on building the station to this weekend and have been collecting a few bits and bobs ready to detail the layout.  I am hoping to have a big push on doing the scenery over the xmas break, so want to get all the boring bits (point motors, back scene, etc) finished to be able to spend time detailing the layout.

The first trains are running on the layout!

Thursday, 23 November 2017

13t Open wagon ready for service

Well there has been a little bit more progress on the modelling front with another wagon for the layout.  This is a 13t open wagon with corrugated ends, which is built from the rather excellent Parkside kit.  It has H&A steel buffer heads and model master transfers.  This one is set for revenue earning service unlike the last one, which is was finished for the engineers department.  I have a couple more of these to build, but I have halted any more wagon building until the layout is operational and I have cleared the painting on a a back log of built but unpainted wagons.  Currently in the paintshop is a dance hall brake van, a grampus wagon, a tunny wagon, a dogfish wagon, a LMS CCT, a Western, class 31, a ratio 13t open wagon and a plate wagon.  I can't keep track!

However, I will soon have somewhere to run these wagons with the track laid on the micro layout and a fiddle yard ordered.  The weekend is going to be spent soldering this up and starting to place some of the key elements of the layout.  All in all steady if not slow progress, but the aim is to have the micro layout in full flow by the xmas break, whilst Pottington Quay remains in storage.  Hopefully I can retrieve Pottington in the new year.  Until then I have plenty to keep me going!
13t open wagon with corrugate ends, finished in a later bauxite livery.

Note a great photo, but the corrugated ends are clearly visible.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

22t tube wagon ready to rolll

Having returned from the Med with work late this week I have achieved very little modelling.  However, I did manage to find a couple of spare hours on Saturday morning to finish off a 22t tube wagon.  I think that this wagon has been built over two years and it is great to see it finally finished off.  I attempted to model some replacement planks in the painting of the model, with a weathered bauxite finish.  Although I sealed the wagon with Railmatch matt varnish, the overall effect is more a satin finish.  The weathered finish is quite dark overall, but overall I reasonably happy with how it turned out and I am looking forward to running it on the layout.  This week will see the commencement of track laying on the second board of the new micro layout.  More updates to follow.

Another wagon finished, posed on the developing micro layout.