Saturday, 16 September 2017

Back again and a LMS CCT in BR blue

The long silence has ended and I am back in the world of blogging and modelling.  We have moved again but this time we should stay put for a bit longer.  The modelling room has been part way set up and the air brush is working again.  I unpacked some boxes and found a set of half finished projects. The first off the mark was this LMS CCT finished in BR Blue, another wagon to add to the ever growing parcels stock.  This just needed a blast of varnish to seal the transfers in.  All in all I am pretty happy with this one.
Finished LMS CCT reading for running in the parcels train.

As for the layout, Pottington Quay was making significant progress towards completion, when it was placed back into storage, and unfortunately it is still there.  Whilst that was a great project and I learnt a lot from doing it, there were several issues with the layout.  The principle issue was the size of the scenic board, which was 5ft by 2.5ft.  This was quite heavy to move around and really a two person move.  I was also not happy with wiring for the points and this all needed replacing/tidying up.  So after some thought I decided to leave it in storage for the time being.  Also as the storage depot is 250 miles from where we now live it is a one trip job to collect it.  

Consequently, I have ordered some much better baseboards from Tim Horn for a smaller micro project.  The idea with this is to complete a small layout before xmas (we shall see), but have this as a layout that can link up to Pottington Quay further down the line.  The other key aspect of this layout is to be small and portable, allowing me to take it so some exhibitions.  So from now till xmas I hope to be able to finish this layout and get some trains running.....well that is the idea anyhow!