I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas. We have had a very relaxed Christmas day and I even managed to find some time for modelling, in between the cooking and social engagements! With the layout packed up for Xmas I returned to building some wagon kits and painting with the air brush. Over the course of the next few months I am optimistic I can really get going with the scenery on the layout and I expect this will dominate my modelling time. So before this happens I wanted to build/detail a couple of wagons/coaches and put them in the paint boxes, so they can be slowly painted over the coming months.
Having finished the milk tanker recently, I started to pull together the kits/rtr for a small Enparts train, consisting of a BSK, CCT, BY and 12T wagon, all finished in engineers olive green. The BSK is the Lionheart model in BR (S) green. I purchased this for a bargain price, with the aim of detailing/respraying it. So yesterday I plonked this coach down on the table and got around to taking it apart. The good news was that the vast majority of the coach was screwed together, which meant taking it apart was quite easy. The coach is beautifully detailed and there were many separately fitted, screwed in components. I took photographs as I went, due to the complexity of putting it back together in a few weeks when it has been painted. The only glue that required gently snapping was where the coach sides and ends met, and the amount of glue applied was pretty sparse. So a completely dismantled BSK coach - lets hope it goes back together OK. There are a few modifications to make the body sides, such as blanking out some of the windows, which will require the glazing to be cut, but these are relatively quick modelling tasks that can be completed over the next week.

All the components for the BSK coach. The coach sides have since had the transfers removed and the bogies have been dismantled and masked.
The next vehicle in the rake is a BR mk1 CCT. I purchased the Heljan model in the olive green livery, which I know is cheating a little! This model just needs dismantling and putting into the painting boxes. The third wagon is a 12T van with plywood sides, which is being built from the standard Slaters kit. I am about halfway through this build and hope to finish it off over the next week. The final vehicle in the rake is a SR BY van, which is again going to be constructed from the Slaters kit. This van has not been started yet, but I plan to slowly build this one through January, when the layout is not set up.
The Heljan BR mk1 CCT, already rtr in olive green. This just requires dismantling and weathering.
Slaters 12T van with plywood sides. I am optimistic I can finish this wagon over the next week!
So there is the first fixed rake train for the O gauge layout. It is a relatively simple rake to construct and continues my modelling of engineering wagons, which I am endlessly fascinated by. The lovely thing about O gauge is the time it takes to construct a single vehicle and the detail you can add during the build - it certainly adds to the realism and enjoyment for me. Other projects are working their way through the paint boxes including an SPV, a Lowfit wagon, a 13T open wagon and the class 33 re-paint. Hopefully, these projects will also come to fruition in the coming months.