Working lights from Express Models - recommended!
The lighting kit is from express models and is brilliant. The instructions are crystal clear and it was soldered up in no time. I added the pick ups to the decoder socket and put in the decoder and tested - nothing. After an hour or so of testing and head scratching I realised the decoder was faulty. I replaced this - and the lights worked. I then soldered up the remaining motor pick ups. Hornby do not label the wires, and predictably, I got them back to front. Travelling forwards with red lights showing is not prototypical! This was corrected and in the end it went on the track and it all works. Result!!
The underframe weathering on the 121 DMU
This is one of the more complex detailing jobs I have undertaken, adding lights and soldering up the decoder pins, etc. It is an excellent learning curve. The chassis and solebars were weathered with a mixture of lifecolour shades. There is a little bit of finishing off on the underframe to do, but it is close to finished. The interior seats are going to get a coat of paint, and a driver needs adding. Then the body needs a bit of weathering, with some new windscreen wiper blades added and some new front windscreens. These are the next tasks, but I think I will have it finished in a week or so. It can then provide the regular passenger service on the little Georgeham layout we are currently building.
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